Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Tips for Conquering Clutter

Anyone renting or owning a home has been faced with the ongoing struggle of organizing their living quarters and closet spaces. It’s a never-ending cycle as we evolve throughout the seasons of life. We add more to our intimate spaces and during that process often debate among ourselves which items need to be removed, struggling with donating or getting rid of items that should no longer be used. After pondering my own internal struggles with organizing spaces in the home, I ran across an amazing article that totally renewed my perspective on a topic I thought needed no explanation.

Deborah Cabral, founder of The Declutter Coach, suggests organizers fall into 4 personality types: tidy, social, multitasking, or visual. According to Deborah, “No one type is messier than another; they’re just different”. After reading the article, I started to ask myself questions about how I viewed my own clutter. Is my clutter situational? Is my clutter a reflection of my booked and busy schedule? I was determined to explore and share such concepts, especially if it could lead to a, less is more mentality.  Maintaining a clutter-free home starts with the individual(s) within the space. This clutter-free home guide is really simple to building new skills to keep spaces tidy on a regular basis. Below you can discover if the personality theory is as helpful as I found it to be. Depending on what’s happening in your life you may find useful tips that can be applied all year around using all 4 clutter cleaning profiles.

7 Habits to Keep Your Home Tidy All Year Round (

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

De-clutter Your Home Office

Work organization strategies are personalized to help us function in our optimal strengths. Without question, there are ways to improve existing systems that we incorporate into our daily conversations of ‘how to do’ processes. However, keep the systems that work and focus on ways to better streamline tasks by removing the access items.

Workspace clutter is distracting. It may look different depending on the person, but no matter how it accumulates in our spaces we have to actively monitor the items we collect, display, and neglect in our production areas. As the year is winding down and we prepare for the holidays, we should take a few minutes daily to reevaluate our active working spaces. So, before you start feeling overwhelmed, too busy to make immediate action, or unwilling to prioritize your work clusters breathe deeply and release the pressure of perfection. After all, project planning may not be apart of your job title but when it comes to managing your work tasks you are the best one for the job.

Work organization strategies are personalized to help us function in our optimal strengths. Without question, there are ways to improve existing systems that we incorporate into our daily conversations of ‘how to do’ processes. However, keep the systems that work and focus on ways to better streamline tasks by removing the access items. Look around your space and (without negative critique) make a list of all the things out of use and no longer needed actively occupying essential space. Determine what the essential items are for completing necessary tasks within your workspace. Remove items that are not actively in use. If needed, consider reaching out to your leadership team to optimize your work ergonomic space to ensure that you’re balanced in your work focus. Be open to discussing decluttering strategies with peers as well and you may discover allies for managing large scale projects or detailed tasks.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Polaroids are for Privacy and Instagram is for Everything Else

We are in the most highly documented period of humanity and whether you believe it or not it stays on ‘the cloud’. The internet is all about documenting the experience and getting the photo. Recently an oldie but goodie made a comeback and frankly, it’s a Boutique Beauty favorite. Remember Polaroid!?! Instant photos for private moments.

Image has always been everything and over the past 30 years that becomes increasingly more true. In the 90’s, it was all about chat rooms and connecting with complete strangers. The objective: to meet new people, learn new things, and figure out what’s really going on with the pulse of people and the trends they follow outside of the music videos and the mannequins in the window displays at the mall. Let’s keep it honest. If your house didn’t have dial up internet, you were going to find out where to go to get some screen time. Let’s not forget the days of the internet cards, timed computer stations and internet cafes. If you were lucky, you had AOL or a best friend with endless computer access. Those were the days, when we as a culture redefined culture because we were forming relationships and creating new realities with people we’d never met in person. The early days of viral were arguably more dangerous, but the excitement and intrigue has always been there. It’s the closest thing to teleportation or time travel that we have so far, if you follow my drift. And wow! Has it evolved.

We are in the most highly documented period of humanity and whether you believe it or not it stays on ‘the cloud’. The internet is all about documenting the experience and getting the photo. Sometimes a photo or video requires no thought; it’s important to capture the moments that matter and define our lives. But if were being honest…we can all think of a few moments where we wish we could remember who has an original photo for the sole purpose of deleting it so that it can never be resurfaced again. It could be anything capturing an embarrassing awkward moment to anything unflattering or just unexplainably goofy, shameful, and weird. So, since that’s the reality of the reality we record and create, culturally we need to start caring more about the images we post, share, tag and pose for. Afterall, if a picture is worth a thousand words. It could be terrifying if the wrong one went viral.

Boutique Beauty Loves Polaroid Instant Photos for Privacy

Recently an oldie but goodie made a comeback and frankly, it’s a Boutique Beauty favorite. Remember Polaroid!?! Rediscover a classic (that never really left) that’s available in stores and online. Don’t shy away from the camera and stop hiding every time someone is ready to take a picture if it’s not on your phone. Aside from the enhanced privacy aspect of instant photos, it’s also a great way to practice how to take a great picture (because we know the best photo’s only come from your selfie angle). Plus, you need to learn how to nail it the 1st time without holding a mini photoshoot every time you snag a photo during an event. Don’t worry. You could always post a pic of your polaroid to your profile or just keep it private.

For those who set new standards and trends across social media feeds kudos. Your perspective, inner voice and awesome angles keep your circle engaged and inspired. However, for those of us who at times feel underwhelmed by our own posts a great way to enhance your posts is to spend more time understanding who you are and how you share your truth. We all have a story to tell. Get clear and concise about the moment in the photo especially if you’re in it. Because let’s face it, social media is here to stay so post with confidence and be intentional.


Create a top 5 list in the areas of self-improvement and self-talk. It can be a very effective tool in measuring the ways we subconsciously show up for ourselves, our communities and vibes we exude in our photos. Take a mental note. Emotional maturity is the key to completing a realistic list that allows you to make improvements. Reevaluate the narrative that you tell yourself and share with others. Also, welcome the opportunity to debunk any preconceived notions projected by others that limit your potential. Zoom in on your core values to make sure they are where they need to be. Remember, you are an original beauty who has somewhere to go, and people are waiting for you to get there. So, you must always show up in your best form to compliment every occasion. Bravely try something new. Just do it authentically. Stick to the process of reformation and you’ll start to see the undeniable results in your perspective. Before you know it the glow-up will start to flourish in your photos and social media profiles. And remember, there’s no rules for how often you should update your posts.

Additional Articles:

What your social media says about you |

21 Things Science Says Your Facebook and Instagram Feeds Reveal About You | Entrepreneur

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Beauty Affirmation

Get ready for the week. Regardless of the unexpected, expect to be your best. Today’s post is simple. Be vibrant every day in your favorite lip tint.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

5 Reasons People Embrace Natural Skincare

In a world where synthetic ingredients dominate the skincare industry, there is a growing need for us to pause and reflect on the importance of using natural skincare products. Our skin, being the largest organ of our body, deserves to be treated with utmost care and respect.

In a world where synthetic ingredients dominate the skincare industry, there is a growing need for us to pause and reflect on the importance of using natural skincare products. Our skin, being the largest organ of our body, deserves to be treated with utmost care and respect. By turning to natural alternatives, not only are we enhancing our beauty routines, but we are also embracing a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Let us explore the compelling reasons why we should prioritize natural skincare products in our daily regimen.

1. Gentle and Nurturing:
Natural skincare products, laden with plant extracts and organic ingredients, offer a gentle touch to our skin. Unlike their synthetic counterparts, which often contain harsh chemicals, natural products provide a nurturing and soothing effect. This gentleness helps in maintaining the natural balance of our skin, promoting its overall health and radiance.

2. Non-toxic and Safe:
One of the main concerns surrounding synthetic skincare products is the presence of potentially harmful chemicals. Parabens, sulfates, and phthalates are just a few examples of these harmful substances. By switching to natural skincare, we can avoid exposing ourselves to such toxins. Natural ingredients derived from nature's bounty are generally safer and pose minimal risk of negative reactions, making them suitable for people with sensitive skin.

3. Effective and Long-lasting:
Natural skincare products may not promise immediate results, but they offer a lasting impact on our skin's health. They work in harmony with our body's natural processes, allowing our skin to rehabilitate itself from within. Regular use of natural products can lead to improved skin texture, reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and a more vibrant complexion. Although the effects may take time, the natural approach reaps long-term benefits.

4. Environmentally Friendly:
Choosing natural skincare is not only beneficial for our skin but also for the environment. The production of synthetic products often involves excessive energy consumption, pollution, and the release of harmful chemicals into the ecosystem. With natural skincare, we can contribute to sustainable practices by supporting brands that advocate for eco-friendly manufacturing processes, minimal packaging waste, and the use of biodegradable ingredients.

5. Ethical and Cruelty-free:
Natural skincare products are often associated with cruelty-free practices, as they focus on harnessing the power of botanicals and organic sources. Many natural skincare brands do not test their products on animals.

Embrace the power of your timeless glow and unlock your skin's true potential to help you look and feel your best. Don't let time define your beauty. Always remember to hydrate and protect your skin daily.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Our Personal Journey and Our Parents

Parents are presets. There is no way to alter what was inherited. Yet, with each generation or passing year we have the opportunity to grow and learn more about our past through the people who have provided a pathway through their choices. To accept that is the greatest gift.

Parents are presets. There is no way to alter what was inherited. Yet, with each generation or passing year we have the opportunity to grow and learn more about our past through the people who have provided a pathway through their choices. To accept that is the greatest gift. In some ways, it can also be the most intimidating opportunity because it requires us to see ourselves through their aspirations and intentions. The more we absorb about our parents the more we learn about who we are, and in some cases why we are different. However, the story is better learned. We deserve to know ourselves in truth. Preferably, the exact truth.

Taking time to unlock layers of inherited traditions, identity, and world perceptions can be somewhat unnerving. Challenging who you are in the world is sport. But, altering your position with in your family dynamic can be down right frustrating. Living up to expectations. Overcompensating for predisposed notions (to justify our parent’s ideal perception of who they believe us to be as their children) is as close to unconditional love as some of us will ever know. Convoluted, complex, and slightly rewarding for both sides.

Being open about your personal journey is great. Being available to hear and learn about our parents and their individual journeys can also be great. So, be open to receive the rewards of discovery. Sometimes they’re big. Sometimes they’re small. And sometimes the unnecessary details require our undivided focus to ensure that we catch the little things that may at times inspire us the most. As we continue to fight the good fight of true identity as self-identity (and not living life as our parents) we must remember to respect, honor, and love in the legacy we were assigned to build on.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

The Art of Small Talk

Practicing patience and tolerance is an important tool to manifest temperance and peace in your life. Beyond your personal preference, whether you socialize as an introvert (often characterized as being quiet or withdrawn) or an extrovert (being outgoing and socially confident) don’t be fooled. Understand, under the right circumstances any personality may exhibit another side (opposite of what’s expected). With that being said, it should be clear why the saying goes you can’t judge a book by its cover. If you did you may miss out on something great by assuming based on outward observations alone. So, let’s take a look at a few tactics to help you reach and land an open-ended conversation.

Practicing patience and tolerance is an important tool to manifest temperance and peace in your life. Beyond your personal preference, whether you socialize as an introvert (often characterized as being quiet or withdrawn) or an extrovert (being outgoing and socially confident) don’t be fooled. Understand, under the right circumstances any personality may exhibit another side (opposite of what’s expected). With that being said, it should be clear why the saying goes you can’t judge a book by its cover. If you did you may miss out on something great by assuming based on outward observations alone. So, let’s take a look at a few tactics to help you reach and land an open-ended conversation.

How to Spark a Non-Invasive Conversation:

Its common and very rewarding to identify people through a brief social media internet search. Most people expect it. However, when meeting people face to face it’s important to take a different approach. Usually, it requires a strategy, an open mind, and an interested disposition. Most of us may have to practice. Depending on your hobbies and social circles you may have to rely less on their social profiles and more on your ability to manage talking points.

The Art of Small Talk

Here’s the scenario. You’ve just arrived at an event held at a well-known museum. It’s a social mixer filled with various professionals and cultural enthusiasts.

Start with the basics:

Read the room.

Imagine you're a journalist. Did you forget about the 5W’s? Find the perfect moment to smile make eye contact and go in with the Who, What, Where, When, and Why’s of attending. Talk about the venue, the traffic, etc. It’s an open opportunity to create conversation that’s effortless and open ended.

Pull from the obvious.

Proceed with caution when using this strategy. It can allow you to take the conversation out of shallow small talk and introduce a little more substance. This is where you can comment on things a person has brought up during your conversation by sharing your thoughts, respectfully. However, if you’re a novice don’t mask yourself to be a know it all. The interaction my fall flat if you don’t know how to keep up. So, just keep it real (as in realistic) and I’m sure they’ll help you fill in the blanks throughout the conversation.

Give a compliment.

This can be done by complimenting something about the event or directed towards an individual. When done correctly, it shouldn’t be offensive. For example, if you're ready to socialize with others a great segway phrase is, “It was such a pleasure talking to you. You're really informed, I hope to continue this conversation a little later before the exhibit starts”. You’ll find the right words when the time comes.

Do you have anything in common.

You should never get too personal with strangers. Afterall, boundaries are important. Peoples personal boundaries may differ from your own and may not be obvious to the unassuming. Thats okay. Just roll with it by sparking a non-invasive conversation. Gradually work your way through several open-ended talking points and allow the individual to share at will whatever they feel comfortable with sharing and hopefully it won’t get too awkward. But, if it does stay on your toes and politely change the subject.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Vacation and Relaxation

Often times our inner voice reminds us of the things that are most important. Although task building and strategizing are essential tools of the growth matrix, we must never detach ourselves from the bigger picture. The truth is, although the frame is standard, the photo is different and the picture itself tells a unique story that builds a narrative based on who we are or working to become. Life creates hundreds of little moments. We should all work to maintain the memory of those special moments that remind us of what matters most. The beauty of it all is that this is a unique and individual experience. Have you ever felt booked, busy and out of balance? If so, your not alone. Some may have even felt powerless. However, with summer upon us there is an open opportunity to take back a little of your time to structure some guilt free fun.

Often times our inner voice reminds us of the things that are most important. Although task building and strategizing are essential tools of the growth matrix, we must never detach ourselves from the bigger picture. The truth is, although the frame is standard, the photo is different and the picture itself tells a unique story that builds a narrative based on who we are or working to become. Life creates hundreds of little moments. We should all work to maintain the memory of those special moments that remind us of what matters most. The beauty of it all is that this is a unique and individual experience. Have you ever felt booked, busy and out of balance? If so, your not alone. Some may have even felt powerless. However, with summer upon us there is an open opportunity to take back a little of your time to structure some guilt free fun.

Creating memories are easy but vacation and relaxation retreats require a little structured planning. Before you book a random get away refresh your memory and remind yourself where you last left off on your personal bucket list. Determine if you have enough time and 2 good friends that are available to join you on your journey. Always be responsible and don’t forget to check-in and turn in any deliverables prior to leaving home and taking time away from any work-related duties. The objective is to leave with everything in order and to reduce stress upon return. Depending on your work schedule or lifestyle, that might be easier said than done. Don’t panic. Remember, overthinking leads to less personal time to build on special intimate moments. When in doubt, just do your part and trust the rest to work out.

Every beauty needs to rejuvenate. Take the opportunity to do you and work on rebuilding that inner connection to self. Focus on what you want. Work on mastering your inner glow and create some new memories with a snapshot to share and take with you on your ever growing journey.

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Fight the Urge to Quit or Feel Discouraged

Great fortunes come to those who thoughtfully plan ahead. Consider the advantages of strategizing to broaden your network of support.

If you find yourself functioning in a state of performance-based tasks but no longer impressed with the rewards, fight the urge to quit or feel discouraged. Sometimes being busy communicates visibility more than balance and can be counterproductive. Afterall, how effective can you be if your bucket list of goals continues to grow without the support to sustain the progress of what has already been accomplished? Instead focus on your potential by engaging your imagination. Take your mind off the work and change your perspective.

Place your attention on innovation, relationship building, and planning. All 3 require you to have an open and approachable disposition. Creative ideas are what you may need to renew your energy toward a task or project. Remember, as the saying goes, “there is no I in team”. So, start finding ways to reintroduce yourself and don’t start the conversation by reiterating your resume. The more people you relate to the more realistic your goals will become. Great fortunes come to those who thoughtfully plan ahead. Consider the advantages of strategizing to broaden your network of support.

Observe new ways of doing things to make yourself more effective. Adapt and move forward. Learn and grow along the way without fear. Develop your ability to obtain personal growth.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Building Confidence

Confidence is key, but it takes more than determination and grit to achieve greatness. The loudest voice is the one that stays with us the longest. The voice may have a familiar tone outside of your own recognizable voice. Self-image is not the only image that influences our growth potential. It’s also the environments in which we function and the relationships we cultivate.

Confidence is key, but it takes more than determination and grit to achieve greatness. The loudest voice is the one that stays with us the longest. The voice may have a familiar tone outside of your own recognizible voice. Self-image is not the only image that influences our growth potential. It’s also the environments in which we function and the relationships we cultivate. People pleasers often experience the not so subtle side-effects of codependence. However, many people struggle with establishing boundaries. It’s important to identify your individual needs by acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses.

Building confidence takes time. It’s important to learn personal development skills that facilitate positive self-talk by doing research and finding trusted resources that can build on your growth potential. Finding people that embrace the best version of yourself will help you achieve success in more than one area of your life. Get comfortable with constructive criticism because when used correctly, it can become a great asset to building a strong foundation. However, stay clear of negative self-talk. Especially in business. Making evolved choices requires being open to seeing things from a wider scope. Sometimes, it takes time to evolve. But whenever you’re ready, know you’ll never be alone. Check out some interesting fun facts from UN Women as you ponder over new possibilities that push you into the next level of self-love, growth, and a goal balanced evolution as you learn the value of establishing your voice.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Mental Health Awareness Month

Did you know that Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase the awareness of mental health and wellness in America? In the month of May, take the opportunity to discover more about your personal needs.

Did you know that Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase the awareness of mental health and wellness in America? Everyday people are finding ways to identify a better strategy to navigate self-care routines that allow them to take back control of their time and their mind and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. Culturally, it’s becoming a topic of regular discussion to explore the social and intimate behaviors of people. In the month of May, take the opportunity to discover more about your personal needs. Identify ways of becoming more balanced. Become aware of your thought process and the ideas (good, bad, or indifferent) that use up most of your imagination. Start by observing your daily routine. But, don’t forget diet is everything.

There are a lot of resources that talk about the gut-brain connection. Maintaining a well balanced diet should be viewed as a top priority for everyone. Even with a tight budget there are healthy alternatives, so be open to cooking more at home and when needed substituting more expensive purchases like meat and poultry for fish, fruits and vegetables. Also, consider buying foods that can be used in multiple recipes and create new ways to repurpose any leftovers from breakfast, lunch and dinner meals to avoid food waste. Food for thought, learning how to make your own bread could also be a great benefit.

When necessary do not hesitate to contact a health professional to evaluate your individual needs as it relates to health (like check-ups and screenings) nutrition (what your putting in your body) and sleep (to make sure your allowing yourself enough time to ‘rest and recover’). Also, stick to a plan that is healthy and balanced. Make your emotional health and your physical health a priority by finding supportive groups and educational resources just in case you need to consult with someone other than family and friends. Be sure to also share and discuss mental health awareness month with those close to you.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

The Friend Strategy

If we’re being honest with ourselves there have been moments that make you think it would be a good investment to add a few names to the friends list. The idea is almost cringe worthy but oddly exciting because deep down inside you know it could be achieved.

As we learn new skills, we should focus on the potential of partnerships. Of course, we have our close network of what some refer to as ‘the chosen few’. That select group of ride or die, forever up for whatever people, that accept us in the most familiar form. Yet, if we’re being honest with ourselves there have been moments that make you think it would be a good investment to add a few names to the friends list. The idea is almost cringe worthy but oddly exciting because deep down inside you know it could be achieved. Although there may be a slight feeling of annoyance, anxiousness, and apprehension a good way to overcome those emotions would be to incorporate a strategy to help you meet and cultivate new friendships for potential partnerships (that aren’t romantic). Go beyond the basic catch and release technique. Go big and start making waves to connect with people and focus less on the photo ops. Of course, everyone loves a great memory accompanied by a great photo. So, before you tap, click, or snap your next milestone be sure to tell a joke, collect a few names and exchange information before you go your separate ways. Connect to reflect and be prepared to follow up.

The Friend Strategy:

Make a list: Create a list of qualities you would like to see in the new people you would like to meet. The objective is to become open with people. You don’t have to have everything in common to be present and engage in good conversation.

Avoid overthinking: Don’t be over analytical or judgmental. Be willing to have new experiences within a safe level of comfort that will allow you to explore new perspectives.

Stay away from narcissistic behavior: This statement does not imply that it could be coming from the other people. Make sure you share the floor and add something to the conversation that allows other people to feel seen and heard as well.

Travel: Go to new places to give yourself a new perspective. It’s great to plan an adventure with a crowd or plus one. However, you may also meet them once you arrive unexpectedly.

Smile: A friendly demeanor can go along way. It may feel or seem awkward, just stick with it.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Womans History Month

Women want equality in the value of freedom. The right to be seen. The right to be heard. The right to make independent decisions. The right to lead with visibility, support, and respect. Women want equity.

As we close out Womens History Month it’s important that we create an environment of inclusivity. Women are equally important as their male counterparts. Sometimes the roles may look different but the intent to co-exist, collaborate, and lead are universal. There is more than enough room at the table for everyone to find a chair and take a seat. Creating space for inclusivity takes intentional effort on behalf of facilitators and those looking for roles to amplify their passion, purpose, or participation though out various systems.

Women want equality in the value of freedom. The right to be seen. The right to be heard. The right to make independent decisions. The right to lead with visibility, support, and respect. Women want equity. Consequently, such requests often become misunderstood. However, the best way to bring about any form of clarity to the conversation is to acknowledge that women and men have a unified existence that is codependent and requires constant nurturing on both ends.

Beyond the month of March, we should encourage new conversations. Ignite changes. Create space to hear more and do more to encourage others to become more than allies. We must continue to educate and lead with bravery through passion and love.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

The Resilience Mindset

In life we can’t control all the things that happen to us. But we can learn from them. Even if the lessons learned produce moments of isolation or appear on the surface to be regressive, we must hear beyond words and look for the obvious not so subtle indications that change is a natural and organic process that exists and can often supersede our own desires. Life is a cycle of interwoven cycles. One could arguably suggest it’s not our life goals that define us but more so our interactions. At some point we must create peace with ourselves and our human experience even if it seems unfamiliar.

At every intersecting point, our choices have led us to various realizations. But the most freeing experience is remembering our ability to adapt and change. Pushing beyond the self-doubt and overwhelming expectations of past echoing’s create character. Brace yourself for the chance to be more, to do more, to see more, to think more, to ask more of the world around you. We should get to the point where we enjoy every moment. Every win is more desirable when you can honestly look back and say you enjoyed the journey.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Master Your Schedule

How to Manage your Schedule

We’re all busy and sometimes finding time to unwind with friends and family can be a struggle even though it’s an essential part of weekend activities. Regardless of the task, it takes real mindfulness to meet deadlines and off the clock events. Like the song goes, if i could turn back time…but, we can’t. So, like so many of the high-performance multitaskers around us we must focus on the core of what matters in our individual lives and be intentional with our time in a way that allows us to enjoy the things that matter most. As you become more comfortable with your decision making you may discover that some might be taken back. However, the overall idea is to communicate and reinforce your own needs first. Here are a few basic reminders to help you relax when considering how to best utilize your time.

How to manage your schedule:

  1. Master your own schedule. Review your own schedule before committing to engagements.

  2. Try using the phrase, “Thank you for thinking of me, I’ll get back to you. Give yourself a moment to reflect on any conflicting appointments.

  3. Avoid the unexpected no show. If you were able to confirm (but something changed) reach out and let someone know to avoid severing a great relationship.

  4. Be realistic with your time. Just because you’re available doesn't mean you should give up your time. You may want to use that open slot to schedule a private dinner and a nap.

  5. Never over book yourself based on someone else's schedule.

There’s no shame in politely declining any social, work, or family engagements. Navigating availability can become a full time job. Yet, when done the right way you reap all the benefits and rewards. Try setting some clear boundaries and structure your week accordingly.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Live. Post. Repeat.

People are complex and yet so predictable. Either way, that’s no excuse for you to miss out on the chance to meet new faces in new or familiar settings. Taking time daily to re-center your thoughts takes focus and intention. However, make time for new experiences. Fight the feeling of mental fatigue.

Friendships can be tricky to navigate. People are complex and yet so predictable. Either way, that’s no excuse for you to miss out on the chance to meet new faces in new or familiar settings. Let’s face it, if your still quoting, ‘no new friends’ chances are it’s time to make some new friends. Form some new harmonious bonds with people that wish you well with the best of intentions. Although it’s an easy concept to follow, it’s going to take effort.

Taking time daily to re-center your thoughts takes focus and intention. However, make time for new experiences. Fight the feeling of mental fatigue. If you need more rest, it’s okay. Allow your soul to rejuvenate. Regardless of your daily routine, be more intentional with your time. The responsibilities of work and life present continuous cycles of how to juggle the unknown, foreseen, and items of overwhelm. So, it’s probable that after a long work week, the thought of taking on a new experience can feel crushing. Take it slow.

Stray away from obsessive ideas and exhausting self-talk regarding your ever growing to-do-list of milestone achievements (stemming from your career motivations, family obligations, and lifestyle goals). Take the edge off of life. Give yourself a break and relax with your contacts. Being available for the right opportunities requires patience and an open mind. Allow yourself to network in social settings. Give people a chance to surprise and inspire your senses with their unique energy. Sometimes, it’s not about who you know or what you know. It’s about showing up, being present in the moment, and having authentic conversations. Be seen and be heard by taking a deep breath and engaging with the space filled with people around you. Finding the right community of supportive collogues and friends takes time.

In an era of me first, I’m next, and other narcistic antidots it’s important to realize that life is more enjoyable when shared with others. Interactions with others should relieve anxiety and stress. People are not perfect so allow grace for all the cringe worthy social chats that maybe unintentionally awkward. It will pass. Just don’t abandon the process. Remember to make eye contact and listen with intent. Create a rolodex of thought provoking, smile worthy moments with as many people as possible.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Don’t Wait for Spring to Start Cleaning

As you continue to rotate, update, or modernize your functional style determine your capacity to let things go along the way. Create a versatile theme with a multipurpose function when introducing new pieces across categories.

Do you enjoy shopping? Most people do. Staying on top of product trends can be costly. Whether you’re searching for custom specialty items, home decor, or seasonal clothing ask yourself one question. Do I have space to store this stuff? It’s a rhetorical question. Over the years we collect certain things we no longer have use for. Truth is most of us like the idea of having easy and accessible options at our fingertips available at any time of day. We’ve become the concierge to our own VIP experience. And, there’s nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps, many people would agree that enjoying the fruits of our labor in some respects has become more challenging. The cost of living mixed with the demands of work can often create an environment with overwhelm and mental exhaustion. So, it’s no surprise that people are looking for ways to create an ambiance through some form of internal or external adornment. If you choose to embark upon that journey, proceed with caution.

Try to be conscious of the things you buy. Afterall, big retail chains aren’t the only ones providing great deals. Shop intentionally to avoid missed opportunities on essential items. Plan your purchases for seasonal big-ticket spending. It may also be beneficial to diversify your items whenever possible to support artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses within your local community or points of interest.

As you continue to rotate, update, or modernize your functional style determine your capacity to let things go along the way. Create a versatile theme with a multipurpose function when introducing new pieces across categories. Construct a useful living space to hold and preserve old items in order to make space for new purchases.

Separating from the things in life we manage to collect over time is not an easy task and for some may cause anxiety. Take your time. The objective is not to remove a lifetime of keepsakes and memories. Unclutter your domain by taking inventory. Some items can be repurposed, sold, donated, or placed in storage. Organize your approach.

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Dominique Lendsey Dominique Lendsey

Tips on Building a Budget

What’s your budget plan? Creating your own rewards program, based on the money you save is a great way to personalize your incentives and hold yourself accountable.

As we work our way through the year we encounter numerous opportunities to spend money and charge experiences without fully counting the costs. With inflation on the raise and some of our most basic necessities like food, water, and gas increasingly becoming more expensive it makes sense to have a game plan during economic uncertainty. No one knows your spending habits more than you. You’re in control. Saving money is a great game plan. So, decide to look at it from every angle.

Building a small savings account may seem like a large task. Start with small sacrifices, purchasing adjustments, and delayed rewards. Cutting back on spending doesn’t make your personal brand less authentic as a person. Depending on your daily routine and monthly expenses, you may consider reduce your venti latte to a sophisticated small coffee. Or, possibly consider making your own meals during the week. Creating your own rewards program, based on the money you save is a great way to personalize your incentives and hold yourself accountable.

The best tip for creating your own budget is to be honest about your cash goals. Be reasonable regarding the process. Reward yourself for being disciplined and take advantage of great deals.

Set a weekly amount to allocate for miscellaneous purchases. Cash over credit. Although both are beneficial, paying debts can arguably be considered the new sexy. Why? It implies organization and a level of self-imposed accountability. And, if you leverage your iphone or android to create a pay schedule financing that next getaway will become more enjoyable.

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Opinion Dominique Lendsey Opinion Dominique Lendsey

Avoid FOMO Reflex

Managing how to be present and plugged in to everyone and everything at the same time can be exhausting. Although the current cultural climate suggests any sensible and advised individual be well versed in the subject matter of every trending topic, let’s face it. It’s an unreasonable request.

Managing how to be present and plugged in to everyone and everything at the same time can be exhausting. Although the current cultural climate suggests any sensible and advised individual be well versed in the subject matter of every trending topic, let’s face it. It’s an unreasonable request. The art of maintaining a productive lifestyle revolves around the ability to strategically identify what behaviors align with keeping you at your most productive (as it relates to accomplishing your goals).

Becoming hyper-sensitive and over exposed in an over-the-top tabloid driven social media climate creates a loss of perspective. As entertaining headlines become even more polarizing, where is the added value? It can be challenging to find reasons to fight the irresistible urge to stop scrolling, liking, retweeting and deep diving further into click bait taglines that ignite the impulsive errors of the FOMO (fear of missing out) reflex.

Never assume the best finds are taking place online. Balance interest with intrigue. Although you will find great points of interest. Remember, the best moments are discovered when you’re at the center of the action. Live the moments you love to see. Experience the best of yourself through the tasks you complete. This post is not to suggest that you stop scrolling. The objective is to encourage you to maintain an unbiased view of your affiliations and expectations.

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Beauty Dominique Lendsey Beauty Dominique Lendsey

4 Chic Beauty Tips to Unlock the Bombshell Beauty Mindset

4 Chic Beauty Tips to Unlock the Bombshell Beauty Mindset

Those claiming makeup is overrated and it’s all about bare face beauties have some of you on edge. Don’t be. There’s always a new trend to chase. Having hydrated, toned, and smooth skin is not a new concept. Infact, that’s what everyone hopes to achieve with their skincare routine. But, for those of us who enjoy a little color, there’s nothing wrong with that either. It’s ok to add some definition to your face. Here are a few things to consider when debating how to update and simplify your beauty regimen:

Bombshell Beauty Mindset

  1. Embrace Your Natural Aesthetic

  2. Update Your Beauty Looks

    • Update your look throughout the year. Incorporate a new color palette to accentuate your face keeping it fresh and current.

  3. Achieve A Natural Low Maintenance Beauty Glow

  4. Treat Makeup as a Garnish and Not the Main Ingredient

Final Note: Before following a trend always consider what works best for you. There’s nothing wrong with staying in your comfort zone. When you’re ready for something new be bold and embrace it all the way.

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